
My brother started to write a diary in English.

To master English, they say that it is efficient way to continue writing a diary every day. To tell the truth, I had have been writing a diary for about a half year. But I gave up to write... The other day, I watched a English program on T…


昨日約10年ぶりに先輩と会った。今となってはタメ語でしゃべれる「あねさん」だわ(≧∇≦)ノ 彼女は何とトライリンガルらしい!俺も見習わなければいけねぇなぁ。 彼女の日記みたら、英語とインドネシア語と日本語がいりまじってた(笑 なんか愚痴りたいらしい…