
★〜Dear my friends〜★

It has been cold outside recently, how are you doing?Then, I’m writing this diary for feeling alone. When I was looking at the photos in my laptop, I realized myself that all the photos were ones that I was in Japan. Although there was les…


この前sawⅢを見に映画館に行きました。 いやー、あれはかなりグロいっすわー なんか、一番最初のシーンとか結構気分悪くなっちゃって、 途中で帰りたくなりましたよ・・・ あれかな? ⅠもⅡも見てなかったから心の準備ができてなかったのかな・・・? 一回目…

Test is nothing special!!

I have a test today!! But as you guess, I didn't study for the test.www Because I don't know what kind of questions we have in the test. This test is for checking our knowledge to teach. In other words, this is a kind of summary test. I jo…

Why don’t you die??

Do you know this line?? This line is from our Vegeta!!If you know this line in Japanese, please give me a comment!! I'll give you a clue.I found this line in the movie「Revenge of Metal Coola」(Soory, I forgot the exact title of this movie…

This week, I might die...

Hello, mate!! How are you? This week, I'm gonna finish the course that I'm taking now. I have a Teaching Practice in which I'm gonna teach Another language. Not Japanese. Not English!! Now, I'm very busy...I might die.www

Today is Novemberじゃん!!

Today is Thursday, but our class was already finished this week because we don't have School on Friday this week.It means we have 3 days off in a raw. 3 days off is very unusual here Australia for me. It'll be fun if...You know, I don't ha…